especially if it comes bitterness.
"My gallstones exploded" is a phrase often used to express resentment and anger. On the medical side of this expression is not wrong, Vnobh gall bladder occurs when the muscles begin by clicking on the walls of the bile duct, where you pay bile gravel within the gallbladder, causing severe pain.
Too much bitterness is a reservoir of yellow material -walta know ulcer Elsafrawih- produced by the liver and bile ducts pass through me through twelve, where they are digesting fatty substances in food.
But sometimes disorders occur in the balance of bile salts article. Which leads to congeal cholesterol and other substances to form gallstones.
Doctor Shipp and indicates that the gallbladder pain appears when you close the gravel channel Elsafroaah causing severe pain, are removed to make surgical intervention, stressing that the gravel survival in Elsafroaah channel can cause inflammation of the pancreas, and leads to injury gallbladder or bile duct in some cancer cancer often ...